Take Care & Live!

You Alone Can't Fix It: Reframing Your Role as a Leader in Any Situation

Dr. Stephen V. Peters Season 1 Episode 83

No matter what others may expect from you—or even what you tell yourself—understand that, as a leader, you can’t fix everything on your own. Whatever "it" is for you, there are limits to what you can handle alone.

In this episode, Dr. Stephen V. Peters challenges this common misconception and offers valuable insights on how to set boundaries that protect your energy, ensuring you can focus on the areas where you can make the greatest impact.

Connect with Dr. Stephen V. Peters

LinkedIn: Stephen V. Peters, Ed.D. –https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenvpeters/

Instagram: dr.stephenvpeters

Threads: dr.stephenvpeters

Stay awhile and let’s grow together!

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The Take Care & Live! podcast is produced by Dr. Stephen V. Peters